~ REFERENCES and Research Australia GENERAL

LOCATION  Australia:

Merchant Maritime Records:

Mariner shipping records; Australia

Company of Master Mariners of Australia

Sydney Heritage Fleet

Catholic cultural history in colonial Australia:

How Catholics pray the rosary (importance in early colonial history)

Methodism cultural history in colonial Australia, (Melbourne).

Methodism its role in early Melbourne and women’s suffrage.

Crime, punishment & convicts:

Old Bailey (England) online

Female convicts organisation, Australia

Founders & Survivors Organisation (Australia)

Female Factories (Australia)

Colonial Case Law Decisions 1788 – 1899

Convict Creations (punishment)

Convict Creations (convict crimes)

Australian Royalty – Convict database

Mental health support in Australian history:

Brain Action, Welcome to the Loony bin, Dr. David. S. Bell

Community welfare support :

Origins of welfare support in Melbourne

Women’s suffrage in Australia:

Australian Women’s National League (Melbourne)

Women’s suffrage movement Australia

Homes for destitute children: (Australia):

Livingstone House, Carlton

Ragged Schools, Public Records Office Victoria

Child Rescue

Female Factories:

Like many of my fellow Australian sisters, I had several ancestors who spent time in the female factories both at Paramatta and at Tasmania.  This is a bit of a passion of mine in acknowledging and giving voices to those women who for so many years in our history were kept silent through forgetting.  I hope in some small way to be part of the movement to give them back their voices.  I am a  descendant of one of those “Cascade Women’s Factory babies” because of my ancestor Sophia Morgan.  I am so proud and more so grateful for these mothers.

 Taking Freedom. YouTube video.

Female Factory. Org

Female Convicts Research Centre

Cascade Women’s Factory, Tasmania, historical re-enactment.

Irish transportation women, convict factories. YouTube

Parramatta Female Factory, YouTube